Pastor Gregg Cantelmo has been active in Christian ministry for more than 35 years. He was involved in youth leadership and rural evangelism as a teen at Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles under the ministry of Dr. J. Vernon McGee. As a college student, he served in leadership at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA under Dr. John MacArthur. Pastor Gregg graduated from UCLA with a degree in philosophy and then received his Masters of Divinity from Talbot Theological Seminary. While in seminary, Gregg taught Bible and theology courses at Logos Bible Institute, later serving as Dean of Students and Academic Dean there. He then taught Bible and theology at The Master's College in California. As an associate pastor he served on the Elders' Marriage Council and spoke at a number of Shepherd's Conferences at Grace Church. Committed to personal discipleship, leadership training, and team ministry, Pastor Gregg next served faithfully for almost ten years as Senior Pastor of Monroe Community Chapel in Monroe, Washington. He saw the church grow and develop to become the largest evangelical church in the area. In 1995 he accepted a call to pastor in Arizona where again discipleship and leadership training were key factors. With a strong commitment to biblical teaching and team ministry, Pastor Gregg is excited to see members of the body express their giftedness in serving and caring for one another. His leadership style is one of influence, and along with truth, highly values grace and mercy. Committed to missions, Pastor Gregg is also an adjunct missionary with JARON Ministries International, and teaches "personal purity" seminars and spiritual development to pastors and church leaders in countries all around the world. Pastor Gregg studied for his Doctorate of Ministry degree at Phoenix Seminary where he has taught classes in the Christian ministry department. A few of his articles on biblical and theological topics can be found at Pastor Gregg has been married since 1976 to his best friend, Kim. They have three children: Anthony, Sarah and Ashley, and eight grandchildren.
Martin Upchurch
I was born in 1970 in the small town of French Camp, California. My grandparents, along with my twin brother, raised me until the ripe age of 18 when I left home for the USMC. While in the Corps, I not only did I meet my wonderful wife Shellie, but came to know Jesus as my Savior. Life has never been the same since. From my time as a young believer, Isaiah 55:8-9 has always driven me to know Him more. Who is this God we serve? I knew Him as my Savior, but I wanted to know Him more and more this drove me to find answers. I read everything I could find, attended multiple bible studies, and attended church as often as possible. After completing my service in the USMC I moved on to schooling at Multnomah Bible College. I majored in Bible, and education during the time I was on campus (double major). Responsibility called, and I left school after three years to provide for my growing family (two sons Joshua and Jonny). I then landed working for a dialysis company, and God led me to a career in IT as a Network Engineer. I worked all over Southern California but eventually moved out to Phoenix. Recently I went back and finished the work I started so long ago, and completed my degree at Multnomah University (they changed their name) majoring in Theology. During all this time I have served in various ministries all over SoCal and now here in Phoenix. I have a passion for worship music and theology. Shellie and I have been married since 1993, and our boys are now grown adults. In addition to reading, studying (theology), and music; I also enjoy mountain biking and spending time with my wife, Shellie.
Joe Marquez
Born in CA in 1957, I've lived most of my life in Arizona, where I met my wonderful wife, Alfie, and continued developing my musical talents, gifts from God. We currently have two children and two grandchildren - all wonderful as well! The start of my walk with the Lord began in 1980 when I heard the message of salvation at a memorial service for my brother-in-law. I can vividly remember saying to God, "Certainly Your intent was to speak to the person behind me, because my life requires a lot of cleaning up to do before I'd be presentable to You." The cleaning up of my life has been continual as He molds me to be more like Him; I'm a work in progress. My desire is to live a simple life in Christ, to please Him, and learn to W8ONHM (see my vehicle)!
Tori Tschappler
Women's Ministry Leader
Tori and her husband, Stephen, have been coming to Bridgeway since 2017. Growing up in Southern California, Tori learned about Jesus from a young age. It wasn’t until college that she found a strong community and learned what it means to have a deeper, daily relationship with God. This led her on a couple missions trips to Africa in 2015 and 2019. During these trips, she used her RN skills to treat patients while also building relationships. Now, Tori works as a labor & delivery nurse here in Phoenix as well as staying home with their two year old daughter. When not planning women’s events, Tori enjoys hiking, reading, and crafting. Tori is personally led by Romans 8:6 “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” This is her daily reminder to let her mind rest on the promises of God!
Kathy Richmond
Ministry Assistant
Though she's lived in Arizona for almost 25 years, Kathy still considers herself a Pennsylvania girl with frequent cravings for sweet Lebanon bologna, scrapple, and really good apple butter. Before moving to Phoenix, she had the never-know-what-each-day-will-bring jobs of middle school math teacher and guidance counselor, using her degrees from Penn State and Lehigh University. Here in Ahwatukee, Kathy and her husband, Randy, have raised two surprisingly great kids, Ally and Will. She homeschooled her kids for many years and was a volunteer and chauffeur for their many activities, which she considered her mission field. Now with the empty nest in sight, she now gets to cheer them on, loudly and embarrassingly, from the sidelines! Their family has been a part of Bridgeway for almost 20 years. Before her role as ministry assistant, Kathy has served in a variety of ways including teaching Sunday school, helping at AWANA, participating in RAVAH activities, teaching “Growing Kids God’s Way,” leading a high school girl’s discipleship group, and directing Children's Ministry. She enjoys dabbling in the kitchen, crafty endeavors, and texting Margaret to ask, "How do I do __________?"
Cheryl Boots
Cheryl has been our bookkeeper since July 2018. She has been attending Bridgeway since 1996. Cheryl was married to her husband, Russ, for just over 32 years before the Lord took Russ to his Heavenly Home on Sept. 30, 2021. She has two grown boys (Shaun, married to Amy, with 2 sons- Ethan & Alex, and her son Dylan who is a Deputy with Harris County in Houston, Tx. ) Cheryl also works full-time as the Assistant Controller for Golfland Entertainment Centers, Inc. and has been with them since April, 1999. Cheryl has also been involved in Worship Ministry since first coming to Bridgeway.
Todd Rehn
Worship & Music Ministry
Todd and his wife Wendi (high school sweethearts) have been married since 1985, and they have two grown children, Spencer and Ashley. Todd and his family have been a part of Bridgeway since his job with General Dynamics brought them from California to Phoenix in 1996. Since then Todd has enjoyed being involved in worship & music, discipleship, and missions ministries. Todd is currently leading the Worship & Music Ministry.
Bill Alkema
Facilities Ministry
Bill and Sue Alkema have been married for 37 years and have been coming to Bridgeway Community Church for twenty two years. They have two grown children, Kevin and David. Sue, a transplant from California, has been a Christian since her teenage years and Bill accepted Christ over 28 years ago. They have lived in California, North Carolina, Virginia and now Phoenix, AZ. While out of work a number of years ago, Bill filled his time serving the facilities and men's ministry, and continues to serve as he is able.
Steve Warsa
Web Master
Steve has lived in Arizona with his family since 2000. Prior to that he and his family lived in "cold places" (Illinois, Utah and Minnesota). He started coming to Bridgeway in May of 2010 and has been joyfully serving the Lord here since then! Steve is a software developer and loves developing and maintaining our website. Steve also has a great passion for the study, teaching, promotion and practice of Christian Apologetics. There are many verses in the Bible where we are commanded to be prepared to defend our faith (e.g. 1 Peter 3:15; Jude 3; 2 Timothy 2:23-26; Colossians 4:5-6, and many more) as well of many examples of Jesus and the Apostles practicing apologetics (e.g. Acts 2:32; Acts 18:4; Acts 19:8 and many more). Steve strives to be obedient to the Lord's command to be ready to give a reason for his faith and to encourage others to do the same!
Parent Leadership Team
Our youth group (middle school & high school) is lead by a team of excited parents and college students who love the Lord and all of the students. They are committed to helping the students grow in faith through Bible study and fun fellowship together.